Nancy Sisti, LMFT - Psychotherapist - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Grief and loss don't just go away...

You have to deal with them.The pain and suffering brought on by grief and loss can be significantly relieved through professional help and support. The natural defense mechanisms in the brain cause us to repress the pain, so it doesn’t really just go away by itself. Trying to sweep the pain under the rug usually leads to feeling stuck or somehow held back. Unsuccessful attempts to ignore the pain can show up as anger, apathy, sleeplessness, excessive eating, nervous ticks, compulsions, or any variety of other distressing and often socially unacceptable behaviors.

Loss comes in many shapes and sizes:

  • Illness
  • Death
  • Loss of your job
  • Loss of your home
  • Failed relationship or lifestyle
  • Loss of a sense of safety (if you’ve been a crime victim, for instance)
  • Loss of faith.

It is your real feelings that describe how major or minor a loss is for you. Sometimes a relatively small loss brings on an unexpected flood of grief due to triggering a much larger loss experienced in the past.

Professional Counseling will help you deal with your grief and loss. There is nothing about grief that is simple or predictable. You can’t just hurry up and get it over with – but gently allow yourself whatever time and route your grief needs to take. In the solace, sympathy, and privacy of therapy, together we will light the way to restoring you to the adjustment and peace that you deserve.

I am aBlue Cross provider and accept most PPO and POS insurances. I also accept Mastercard and Visa.
OFFICE: 11110 Ohio Ave., Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90025 • (310) 392-7554 •

©2011-2017 Nancy Sisti, LMFT • Website byDancing Tornado Design